- Management Tool to identify efficient emission control strategies
- Database on chemical constituents of PM from indoors and outdoors of European cities
- Exposure assessment system
- Platform for particle dose calculation
- Platform for health impact assessment
- Geographic information system database covering population data, land use, microenvironments distribution for five European cities
- Mapping of human exposure for five European urban areas, covering PM10, PM2.5 and elements regulated by EU legislation
- Detailed dose calculations for individual human subjects
- Meta-analysis of selected health endpoints associated with the selected chemical and particulate matter exposures
- Identification of the impact of the current emission sources to human exposure levels
- Identification of efficient abatement strategies to decrease human exposure to PM chemicals
Technical reports
- time activity patterns
- PM chemical characterization in different micro-environments and sources identification
- setup of the air quality modelling system
- setup of the exposure model
- air quality and exposure modelling results
- dose calculations for children
- burden of disease associated with the target chemicals
- guidelines for action plans formulation for Lisbon, Oporto, Kuopio, Athens and Treviso
- socio-economic impacts of the project
Training materials
- technical guide about PM sampling and analysis for the technical staff
- manual for the management tool utilization
Training courses
- for technical staff on sampling and measurement techniques
- for stakeholders for the use of the management tool
Interaction with stakeholders and dissemination activities
- Seminars for primary education teachers
- Seminars for university students
- Open-forum meetings
- Expert’s meeting with teams from other related projects
- Online meetings with teams from other projects
- International Conference
- Scientific publications
- Website
- Online open forum with participation of the stakeholders
- Media and press releases
- Layman’s report