Preference sponsorship (3 available)
2000 EURO
- Exhibition space (approximately 2×2 m space, tables, chairs and electricity on request).
- 2 full conference registrations and discounted full conference registration (-25%) for any additional company representatives.
- Company literature and promotional material (pads, pens) in the bag.
- Highlighted company logo placement as sponsor in the conference home webpage and programme.
- Includes one Award Sponsorship (Oral presentation, Poster or PhD Thesis):
– Company name on the program (Oral presentation/Poster/PhD Thesis Award “Company name”).
– Company name on the Award Certificate.
– Company representative participation in the Award Committee and Ceremony Panel.
Regular sponsorship
1000 EURO
- Exhibition space (approximately 2×2 m space, tables, chairs and electricity on request).
- 1 full conference registration and discounted full conference registration (-25%) for any additional company representatives.
- Company literature and promotional material (pads, pens) in the bag.
- Company logo placement as sponsor in the conference home webpage and programme.
We are also open to other forms of sponsorship, such as:
- Coffee breaks;
- Conference badge;
- USB memory;
- One full page of advertisement at the final scientific programme of the conference (book of abstracts).
Please describe your suggestion of sponsorship and we will get back to you with the specific budget. Please note that the sponsorship items will be assigned on a first come – first served basis.
Do not hesitate to contact us at for any request.
Stand booth (on request at additional cost)
Tickets for conference dinner