LIFE Index-Air tool presented at the VIII Fórum Rede Portuguesa de Municípios Saudáveis (Portugal)!
LIFE Index-Air tool was presented by Marta Almeida, the project’s coordinator, in the Webinar “Ecology and Health” promoted by the VIII Fórum Rede Portuguesa de Municípios Saudáveis, which took place online last 19th march 2021. The presentation was entitled “LIFE Index Air Tool, a decision support t to reduce the population exposure to atmospheric particles”.
This webinar had around of 100 participants that were representatives of 32 Portuguese Municipalities. This was an excellent opportunity to explain LIFE Index-Air tool and how it works to potential end-users.
More information can be found here:
The webinar was displayed online and it is possible to see it here.
LIFE Index-Air’s presentation is available here.