LIFE Index-Air @ European Researchers’ Night 2021
LIFE Index-Air was presented at the European Researcher’s Night that occurred in Lisbon (Portugal), last 24 September.
Several team members of LIFE Index-Air participated at the event in two different locations in the city (Museum of Science and Pavilion of Knowledge) during this night to present the project, its results and how those results can contribute to improve our life.
Among the activities onsite, there was:
- an exhibition of typical equipment to monitor air quality
- the results of the air quality monitoring survey conducted by LIFE Index-Air in Lisbon to show how air quality varies within the city and in the different indoor environments (schools and houses)
- the different proposals of how to improve the air quality in Lisbon that were obtained by the LIFE Index-Air tool, that provides the impact of the different mitigation measures on air quality levels, human exposure and health benefits for the population.