Marta Almeida, coordinator of LIFE Index-Air, was invited to participate in the online initiative (via facebook) “Explain it to me as if I was 5 years old” promoted by the Science Communication of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Portugal).
These talks intend to invite IST researchers to talk to a wide audience about their research topics, explaining them as simple and easy as possible. Starting always with one question, these talks happen in the Saturday’s mornings.
“Does the air belongs to everyone?” was the starting point of the talk by Marta Almeida on 4th July 2020, ending with a questions moment from the participants of this online event. The studies developed within LIFE Index-Air were presented in order to show what is possible to do to improve the quality of the air that we breathe and, ultimately, to answer to the starting question.
The video of this talk is available at the IST’s facebook page (only in Portuguese): here.