- Portuguese Environment Agency
The Portuguese Environment Agency, from the Ministry of Environment, is the national body responsible by the coordination and implementation of the national strategy for the improvement of ambient air quality.
- Health General Directorate
The mission of the Portuguese Health General Directorate is to regulate, to guide and to coordinate health promotion and disease prevention activities in Portugal.
- Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Coordination and Development Commission
CCDR-LVT is a decentralized body of central government and its mission is to promote the integrated and sustainable development of Lisbon region (NUT II). CCDR-LVT conducts the management and evaluation of air quality in Lisbon, ensuring its quality.
- City of Kuopio
City of Kuopio is responsible for proposing, developing and monitoring the implementation of environmental policies, particularly in the context of integrating the environment into sectorial policies, including health and transport and in tackling climate change, protection ozone, air quality, prevention and control of noise, waste recovery and use of soil and other contaminated sites, preventing and control integrated pollution, prevention of major industrial hazards, environmental safety and populations, eco-labeling, green purchasing and voluntary environmental management.
- Association for Sustainable Development of Cities
The Greek Association for Sustainable Development of Cities was founded by 21 Municipalities of the Attiki Region in order to protect the urban environment in the context of sustainable development and the revitalization of the urban environment.
- Greek Ministry of Health
Greek Ministry of Health is the government department responsible for managing Greece’s health system.
- Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of the Veneto
The goal of ARPAV is to control and preserve the environment in order to help the identification and elimination of risks to humans and to the environment. ARPAV principal activities include the control of the environment including sources of pollution, environment monitoring, identification of risk factors and promotion of an education aimed at favouring life styles, which respect the environment.