- Action A1 – Authorities and stakeholders consultation – aims to obtain feedback from the end-users and interested stakeholders to optimize the project developments, so as to directly address their critical needs.
- Action A2 – Technical Planning – includes training, procurement, and quality assurance and quality control of the methodologies.
B. Implementation actions
- Action B1 – Development of the LIFE INDEX-AIR Management Tool – develops the LIFE INDEX-AIR management tool that incorporates four modules (database, exposure, dosimetry and burden of disease) and provides a user-friendly interface suitable for policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.
- Action B2 – Air Quality Database Module – develops a database structure specially designed to incorporate outdoor and indoor air quality data.
- In Action B3 – Exposure Module – well-stablished numerical models are installed in the tool to determine the individual and population exposure to particles.
- In Action B4 – Dosimetry Module – a detailed calculation of the respiratory deposition and internal dose of particulate matter mass and its chemical constituent is performed.
- In Action B5 – Burden Disease Module – the health impacts of chemical exposures associated with particles, using a World Health Organization methodology for environmental burden of disease, are calculated.
- Action B6 – Implementation of the Management Tool – tests and applies the LIFE INDEX-AIR tool in Lisbon, Oporto, Athens, Kuopio and Treviso.
- Action B7 – Development of guidelines for action plans formulation –identifies control strategies capable of improving the air quality and health in EU.
C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
- Action C1 – Assessment of the effectiveness of the project actions – measures the effectiveness of the project implementation actions as compared to the initial situation, objectives and expected results.
- Action C2 – Assessment of the socio-economic impact of the project – assesses the socio-economic impact of the project.
D. Public awareness and dissemination of results
- Action D1 – Networking – creates favorable conditions for the promotion of an open dialogue between project developers and policy makers, at an European level and beyond, leading to much needed exchange of experience and assuring that the knowledge and tools developed in the project will effectively assist the authorities in the implementation of the “Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution” and to formulate air quality action plans.
- Action D2 – Development of the dissemination pack – develops communication activities to the general public and to those stakeholders that could usefully benefit from the project’s experience.
E. Project management
- Action E1 – Project Management by IST – guarantees the effective implementation of the project and the involvement of the principal stakeholders.
- Action E2 – Monitoring of the project progress – the management team defines the indicators to measure the progress of the project.
- Action E3 – After-LIFE communication Plan – develops a road map of the long term implementation of the LIFE INDEX-AIR tool and assures the dissemination of the project results after the end of the project.